Friday, October 1, 2010

That You Just Saved the Family $300 by Buying a New Blazer

Read also some reviews of sexy underwears.
Only women grasp the rich economic complexities of shopping. There is, for instance, the spending-to-save theory. Say it's the dead of summer, and you spot, at half price, a black wool DKNY blazer. Although you already own another black jacket, it's imperative you buy this one.
Why shouldn't you tell your husband? Because men believe an article of clothing should be replaced only at the point when the original is in rags. You, on the other hand, are operating on the female view of shopping, which embraces the whole time-space continuum. Clearly, at some point in the future, you will have to buy another black jacket. Get it now, and you've saved both money and time.
Nor do men comprehend the thrill of the successful hunt, however dear the thrill may turn out to be. "I just got into trouble over a set of fireplace tools," Sophie said. "I'd looked high and low for something that was worthy of our home and finally found a set of handwrought iron ones on sale for $120, which was very reasonable when you consider that a crummy set costs $80. When I told my husband he had a fit. I was so proud of the bargain. A girlfriend would have been pleased for me."
I'm not pushing deceit here, just discretion. "If it's not an issue -- either by mutual agreement or by financial status -- then why bother telling him what the dress costs?" says Phyllis Koch-Sheras, Ph.D., a Charlottesville, Virginia, clinical psychologist. "Obviously, if you have a limited budget and you share these things, then I advocate you communicate about it first."
If you're the one who's anxious about finances, by all means tell only a friend. "You've got to be careful discussing money with men, because it's one of the ways in which they define themselves," says Billie Dziech, Ed.D., professor of English at the University of Cincinnati and an expert on gender issues. "Anything that makes them think that you're worried about finances they will take as a direct assault on their status." It translates as "I'm not taking care of her." Even if he is.

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